At the most recent gathering of Social Media Club Chicago (a great gathering of wonderful people, might I add). Put me smack-dab in front of one of my worst fears.
And that is doing some kind of Video blog. Or posting Videos of myself on the internet.
I believe my fear is something similar to being afraid tripping the rift and the ‘unintended audience’. As a matter of fact, my question that I posed to the panelists about Video was in response to the “If You’re Applying for a Job, Censor Your Facebook Page” article on Fast Company, not to mention people younger than I am shying away from Social Media (or at least my theory, the mainstream has ruined the fun and it’s no longer a safe place to hide shenanigans from your ‘unitnended audience’)
Either way, while I was asking the question to the panelists in hopes of spurring a conversation, Tim Jahn from Beyond the Pedway recorded my ‘akward silence’ for a few seconds.
I didn’t know he was recording me, and had I known, I probably wouldn’t have been so stiff. I guess the other issue would be being my worst critic. Writing about my experiences seems to be a safe harbor for myself, although as the panelists explained, video does the same thing, and more because it shows more vunerability due to connecting with your facial features and vocal tonality.
As Kelly Olexa (one of the queens of video blogging) mentioned to me ‘just be yourself’. I’m really good at that!!
Darren Williger, my partner in crime mentioned how his spymaster rant broke down some barriers during a interview with a top company. .
Believe it or not, I always had a dream of doing some kind of television show. I actually wanted to do the news and/or the weather when I was younger. I distinctly remember freezing up at the CNN HQ when I had the chance during a tour when I was younger.
Since then, I’ve gotten over my fear of the stage, have done comedy stand-up routines, emcee’d in front of large audiences (if one day I could EVER get proof I would be soo enthralled), But if you take all those things away, it’s just me and whatever medium, I can’t do it. . . until now. .
You were great on the video I shot of you and Darren, Will! I’ll post it to your Facebook wall as soon as I stop getting an error message (not sure why — I’ve been able to post other videos).
You were great on the video I shot of you and Darren, Will! I'll post it to your Facebook wall as soon as I stop getting an error message (not sure why — I've been able to post other videos).