Gina Trapani put together an awesome article regarding tricking out WordPress, which my blog and most of my web design clients are hosted on. The software cuts development time in half for most websites.
However, I wanted to add three more plugins that I think will help tremendously with your current page.
Tweetmeme – This plugin adds the ‘retweet’ button to your posts, making it easier for users to get your information out there on the web. I don’t know how ‘Project Retweet’ from Twitter will affect this feature, but regardless it’s still awesome
DISQUS Commenting system – This plugin allows visitors to comment with their preferred network (I mainly like the Twitter Connect and Facebook Connect portions of the plugin), so that way you have another avenue to connect with your readers
Lastly Twitter Tools – This plugin will post your blog posts into your Twitter feed, along with configurations to use a url shortener (for Metrics and Analysis). Just set it up and go!
Although I think the greatest advice from Gina that was missing was regardless of the cool features of WordPress, content is still king, and I tell folks to focus on getting posts out there as opposed to tweaking the bells and whistles. You can always have time to do that after the site gets going and you see the traffic.
The last frontier then also is how to monetize posts, without spamming your friends.
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